John Muehleisen



John Muehleisen’s more than 150 vocal and choral works have been variously described as “masterful writing… imaginatively harmonized…beautifully realized…and brilliantly crafted.” He has been Composer-in-Residence for Opus 7 Vocal Ensemble for most years since 1996, the Dale Warland Singers (2003–2004), and Choral Arts Northwest (2011-2012 and 2016–2017), which commissioned the oratorio Pietà (2012) and, as part of a consortium, John’s WWI oratorio, But Who Shall Return Us Our Children – A Kipling Passion (2017), which was awarded the 2020 American Prize for the Professional Choral Composer, Major Works division. In 2019, the Great Bend Center for Music and DCINY (Distinguished Concerts International New York) co-commissioned the immigration-themed cantata Borders, which was premiered in May 2019 by the Great Bend Chorale, Youth Chorale, and soprano Tess Altiveros, conducted by Matthew Melendez, at Carnegie Hall. Muehleisen was appointed DCINY Composer-in-Residence for that world-premiere event. Other commissioning groups include Conspirare and the Harvard Glee Club . His works have been performed throughout North America, Europe, and Asia by the Louisville Orchestra and by choral groups including the Ansan City Choir, St. Olaf Choir, and Yale Schola Cantorum. His compositions have been featured at the Sixth World Choral Symposium; the 2007 NEA American Masterpieces Choral Festival in Austin, TX; at multiple ACDA conferences, and the 2013 Chorus America Conference. Awards include the 1988 Louisville Orchestra Composition Award and the 2014 Chorus America/Dale Warland Singers Commission Award. Granting agencies include New Music USA, DCINY Premiere Project, and the National Endowment for the Arts. (Website: