Julie Ann Wieck



Julie Anne Wieck is an Associate Professor of Music at Washington State University where she is the Coordinator of the Voice Area, teaches studio voice and directs the opera and musical theatre productions.  Dr. Wieck received her Bachelor of Music degree in Music Education at the University of South Dakota-Vermillion.  Later she attended the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, where she received a Master of Music degree and a Doctor of Musical Arts degree in Vocal Performance.

On the stage, Julie has performed leading roles in opera and musical theatre, as well as appearing as a soloist with multiple orchestras.  She has traveled internationally, performing in Canada, Russia, Ukraine, Czech Republic, Austria, Hungary, and South Korea.  

Dr. Wieck is an active recitalist, adjudicator, and clinician. As a member of the National Association of Teachers of Singing, Julie has served as President of the Inland Empire Chapter and Governor of the Intermountain Region; she presently serves on the National Advisory Board on Auditions for NATS.

Julie has been a church musician, serving as soloist, choral director, pianist and even pedal-less organist for 40 years. She is currently the choir director at Trinity Lutheran Church in Pullman, Washington and is excited to present at her first AGO conference.